Location & contact

Suzie Q is located in the Second port of Scheveningen.

Dr. Lelykade 33-37, 2583 CL Den Haag

T: 070- 743 36 76

E: events@restaurantsuzieq.nl




There is parking at the Dr. Lelykade in front of the restaurant. In addition, there is a parking garage on the Dr. Lelykade 220.


Public transport

From The Hague Central station

Tram 16 towards Statenkwartier and get off at the Prins Mauritslaan stop. From there it is a 5 minute walk.

From The Hague Hollands Spoor

Tram line 11 direction Scheveningen Haven and get off at the Doornstraat stop. From there it is 2 minutes walk.




Suzie Q
Dr. Lelykade 37
2583 CL
Den Haag
Opening hours
Monday: 16.00-22:00
Tuesday: 16.00-22:00
Wednesday: 16.00-22:00
Thursday: 16.00-22:00
Friday: 16:00-22:00
Saturday: 12:00-22:00
Sunday: 12:00-22:00